Call out for a Creative Writer to work on new project

Dancer and choreographer Grace Turner is seeking a creative writer to collaborate on her new commission to develop a dance-for-film project inspired by locations on the University of Stirling campus. The writing or poetry will be used as stimulus for the choreography and will feature as part of the dance films. This project has arisen from Grace’s exploration of Stirling during the pandemic and how the natural environments have impacted on her artistic and personal wellbeing.

“By quietening my mind to be present in nature, I translate the space onto my body through movement. Follow the shape of the hills, mimic a leaf falling, or embody sunlight on water.”

This project is being developed in partnership with the University of Stirling Art Collection and Scene Stirling, funded by Creative Scotland and Stirling Council with support from a partnership of cultural organisations across Stirling.                                                                 

Key Details

Commission fee: £250

Deadline for application: 19th February

Outcome: 24th February (interviews arranged if necessary)

Project Dates: 1st March- 2nd April 

Creation: The writer will develop written pieces inspired by 5 specific locations around the University of Stirling Campus. The length and style will be discussed in collaboration with Grace.

Location: Stirling University Campus. The writer needs to be based in the Stirling area as they will need to visit the 5 locations on campus.  All meetings will be arranged to comply with Covid-19 regulations, this may require meetings to be phone/video conferences.


Please email  with the following information:

  • Name: Address:  Contact Details:
  • Example of existing work, roughly 300 words.
  • What inspires you about the commission.

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