Following advice issued by the Scottish Government on 16 March 2020 on steps to be taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 the University of Stirling Archives will be closing its public reading room from 17 March until further notice.
The closure will have the following impact on our service:
- A temporary suspension of our volunteer projects
- Cancellation / postponement of current researcher visits
- No bookings made for future researcher visits at present
The University Archives will continue to offer a limited service to researchers:
- We will endeavour to answer remote enquiries received by email to
- Where possible we will provide access to digitised copies of material to researchers unable to visit the reading room to carry out research in person
- Priority will be given to University of Stirling students currently using our collections for dissertations and projects
- We will continue to promote our collections and provide updates on our service via social media (@unistirarchives)
The health and safety of our staff and public is important to us and we will endeavour to continue to provide a service to our users through this difficult time.
Karl Magee, University Archivist